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Earth Acupuncture 
Business. Domestic. Land. 

Treatments in Person and Remotely


Locate & Release
Geopathic Stress : Disease : Hauntings : Conflict : Property & Land  Blockages
Business & Health  Conflict & Demise : Financial  & Career  Obstructions :
Stagnant  Energies : Relationship Chaos  & Conflict : Blocked &  Unclear Communication  
Sell your House/Land

​​Optimum Solution  Strategies 

Business : Domestic : Land : Property : Health : Relationships: 
Finances: Career: Open & Authentic  Communication ​​​​

Energetic stagnation and geopathic stress on and connected to the land and water can cause havoc by manifesting mental and physical ill health and the demise of business success and domestic well-being. When haunting and trapped entities join the scenario dowsing  & earth accupuncture really remedy the situation quickly and effectively.

This treatment is specifically designed to reveal and release stagnation and disease and realign you the inhabitants and guardians of the commercial/domestic /land, with optimum and sustained well-being and your intentions/mission statements.

These finely tuned earth acupuncture treatments facilitate, individuals, families, and business teams to release all that is not working within the home, business, and community and offer clairvoyant guided reset options to realign you with new solutions and strategies (Guidance also given on personal intentions and business mission statements). That best serves your happiness and well-being and the success of your business.

The earth acupuncture & clairvoyant focus reveals all obstacles & stagnation that are not serving the individual, family, or company. Those stagnations and obstacles are released to assist the sustained realignment with optimum well-being and success accordingly.

I work uniquely with my clairvoyant gifts to read the land, property, and people, locate stagnation and obstacles, and transform them, restoring balance, harmony, and thriving well-being.

I use an earth acupuncture technique which places specially made wands of wood in dowsed and clairvoyantly channeled locations to remove energetic stagnations and ancestral negatively impacting issues from the land/properties/people to restore high vibrational free-flowing well-being. Sometimes I may also use sound instruments such as gongs to clear and realign energies...what a treat!

​You are strongly invited to be present at the treatments as you will also receive your clairvoyant messages and relevant clearings and healings and hear /see the reflections that the land/property reveals. The land and property will also offer you reflections of yourself.

(As above and so below). When the land /property is cleared, so are you and your family/business associates).

These earth acupuncture treatments serve to accomplish the following.

1)Reveal and Remove energetic stagnation and obstacles causing associated problems and no longer serving the individual /company/community’s highest potential of thriving well-being.

2)  Positively transform negative energies and ley lines to support thriving well-being and successful business.

3) Remove trapped debilitating ancestral and stagnant energies and realign individual/ business with manifest optimum and sustainable intentions and mission statements.

4) Remedy-associated problems ie ill health, business stagnation/ie communication, finance, underachieving, chaos lack of direction, etc.

5)Realign and reset you and your home /business with thriving personal and working environments and optimum well-being.

6)Emotional and physical blocks are removed to facilitate healthy land and thriving well-being for domestic, businesses and communities.

Please contact me here for a free email consultation for earth acupuncture treatment & price evaluation, thank you.


Earth acupuncture is the perfect tool to sell an existing property quickly by removing obstacles and geopathic stress.

Most clients contact me for help selling their homes and land which have been on the market for a while or the chain has collapsed several times.

Many houses/businesses also have an emotional imprint of those that have lived  /worked in the property which can have a negative effect such as divorce/separation.

Geopathic stress, hauntings, and ley line stress from road and property building/housing developments can also impact negatively the energy of a dwelling and land.


Carried out remotely or in person

2 hour treatment £150 


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