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Mindfulness Treatments

Day Immersions


Leah Star

Leah trained in mindfulness with the monastics and

Thich Nhat Hanh in the monasteries in Bordeaux,25 years ago and brings to you a wealth of mindfulness experience and expertise to gently and powerfully guide your inner transformation &  authentic healing.


 Leah trained 25 years ago, with the renowned master Thich Nhat Hanh, in mindfulness and received my dharma name “Fragrant Speech of the Heart”. These powerful mindfulness teachings offer a tool to obtain clear and deep insights and resolutions into whatever one gives one's attention to and why one is giving attention to particular thought forms and feelings to create a dualistic existence ie living in fear and love at the same time and living and playing out wrong perception.


The mindfulness tools cut like a diamond through these illusions and fears, revealing a space of nondualistic authentic loving interconnectedness. It is as if the veils of illusion are revealed and released, revealing the truth and giving practical solutions to  personal conflict and health-presenting situations.


Leah  is a renowned workshop leader of over 25 years  and also  facilitates  regular mindfulness  and self help workshops.





 Low cost treatments available.Please message for application.



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