Mindfulness with Leah Star
I trained in mindfulness with the monastics and Thich Nhat Hanh in the monasteries in Bordeaux,25 years ago I received my dharma name “Fragrant Speech of the Heart”.
I immersed myself in several long retreats, living mindfully with the monastics. Which also involved daily dharma discussion groups, sunrise & evening meditations, and workshops bringing together the psychological tools of mindfulness to ease pain and suffering. The daily mindfulness tools and way of living invite one to live authentically in the present moment, rather than being in a false sense of security in compliance or a false sense of our image or not in our truth. The mindful art of being present truly releases suffering and it is my intention to share these amazing tools with you and bring to you a wealth of mindfulness experience and expertise to gently and powerfully guide your inner transformation & authentic healing.
These powerful mindfulness teachings offer a tool to obtain clear and deep insights and resolutions into why we are experiencing suffering and living out particular realities relative to particular thought forms and feelings. Which in turn, creates a dualistic existence of living in separation from love and joy and creating fear-fulfilling experiences!
The mindfulness tools cut like a diamond through these illusions and fears, revealing a space of nondualistic authentic loving interconnectedness. It is as if the veils of illusion are lifted, revealing, gently, the truth of our deep sorrow.
Mindfulness tools assist us to safely go beyond the space of "panic", where many cannot, "THE RESISTANCE FIELD", to the core issue which is pulsing our suffering. The mindfulness tools assist us very deeply to be here for ourselves with those emotions that previously we could not acknowledge, let alone feel.
This mindfulness journey is your self-empowered journey, which I merely facilitate, and your mindfulness treatment invites you to authentically align with the feeling of relief and healing from suffering. Giving you practical solutions to personal conflict and health-presenting situations.
During your treatment, the essential tools of mindfulness and mindfulness breath are offered to facilitate a profoundly deeper, clearer, and finely tuned healing treatment and safely held space.
Leah facilitates private one-to-one treatments in Lewes & public workshops in Sussex
& private group workshops, with an optional inclusive gong bath, at your chosen private venue
More info for private treatments and booking links.
Please message me to discuss & book your private group event