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Mindfulness Treatments with Leah Star

​​One-to-One  Treatments

These mindfulness treatments invite you to enter a very safe space to embrace the numbness of traumas, anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, confusion, and suffering on a physical emotional, and spiritual level.

 Benefits of treatment 

Thriving Self -Empowered  &  Sustained   Optimum Well -Being

Release *Reset* Resolve *Realign * Rejuvenate

 Clearing  , Releasing & Transforming Dis -ease , Anxiety , Traumas , Addictions , Stagnation , Suffering & Chaos

Conflict Resolution.

Balance Emotions

​Navigate challenging emotions for yourself and others.

​Move from Uncertainty To Certainty

Move From   Fear To Confidence

Move from feeling isolated to connected 

Transform from compliant to self-empowerment.

Learn how to get your needs met with ease.

Treatments  in Lewes

​​One-to-One Treatments for 1.5 hours

DonationScale  £77-£99 -£111

Teenagers £35





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